As part of our constant efforts to decrease the likelihood of consumer problems arising, and to respond effectively when such complaints and difficulties do occur, we have developed solar energy-based consumer complaints management software system. The Solar Invoicing Solution (SIS) is solar-based customize software, developed for providing assistance to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) invoicing systems related to banking procedures such as the ATMs, invoicing, etc.



This web-based SIS software is flexible, as it can be tailored completely to suit various unique business processing requirements. Debit cards matters such as account debited but cash not received, ATMs non working/faulty transactions, faulty internet transactions, delay in collection, core banking issues, refusal/delay in sanction/disbursement of loan, other credit matters, etc. constitute most of the complaints received by the banks.

The SIS automatically switches between three possible power sources - solar panel, alternating current grid and internal battery. These ATMs feature an integrated battery backup system and are designed to operate in environments with inconsistent power availability, ideally suited in Indian conditions - both rural and urban regions. By integrating features such as the complaint management, the database management, the web-based invoicing, etc. the SIS aims at providing not only a comprehensive, easy-to-use, accessible, cost effective solution but also assists organizations in achieving unprecedented levels of accountability, efficiency and profitability. Some of the featured provided by SIS may be elucidated in the following manner below:

Complaint management :- The Complaint management feature includes customizable, web-based case management software solutions, enabling the management to provide better facilities to its customers related to their complaint redressers. No doubt, Customer service is the most cliched phrase at banks, with powerful features such as smart automations, SLA management, and reporting capabilities, the tool provides automated timely update on customers' complaints. Online responds are provided through Web based tools, which are accessible to clients, emails, and through SMS. SIS also includes several other customer-friendly features, such as a robust Complaint Tracking System allowing system to respond quickly and accurately to the customer's requests/complaints. An in-depth descriptive Complaint Analysis is also another striking feature provided by SIS, the tool allows definitive determination of requests/complaints by type and proper quick respond to redresser. This electronic and online mode filters various requests and complaints by bank-wise, circle-wise, area-wise and several other criterions.

Database management solution :- - The Database management system includes all information systems that support the storage, retrieval and maintenance of information, requests/complaints, etc.

Web-invoicing solution :- The solar-based web invoicing solution facility includes all type of invoice functioning's such as the recurring invoices till the receipt of its payment from the customers, online processing and approvals of transactions and extensive reporting. It includes issuance of various types of invoices to customers, according to the nature of transaction; helping managing the purchase requests, suppliers profile, materials' delivery schedules, price histories, import costs, suppliers' billing, payment scheduling, planning, and other features with complete online approvals, processing and proper reporting.

This customized power back-up, and solar powered integrated solar invoicing solution software not only streamlines the different business processes, but also makes the entire standard operating systems well-defined and meaningful. Undoubtedly, this solar-based customize softwares is pretty useful for the bottom line.