Documents are the lifeblood of any organisation. From invoices and contracts to customer records and research papers, they contain the vital information that keeps businesses running. 

However, manually processing documents can be a time-consuming, error-prone, and frustrating task. This is where AI document processing (AI document processing) steps in, offering a revolutionary approach to managing and extracting data from documents.


The Problem with Traditional Document Processing

Traditional Document Processing

Traditionally, document processing has relied on manual data entry or data processing using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. While OCR can convert scanned documents into text, it often struggles with complex layouts, handwriting, and poor-quality scans. 

This can lead to errors and inconsistencies in the extracted data, requiring further manual intervention. Additionally, manually classifying and sorting documents is a tedious process that can be prone to human error.

AI Document Processing to the Rescue

AI document processing offers a powerful solution to these challenges. It leverages a combination of AI technologies, including:

Machine Learning (ML)

ML algorithms are trained on vast datasets of documents to learn how to identify specific information, such as names, dates, and amounts.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP helps AI document processing systems understand the meaning and context of the text within documents. This allows them to extract not just basic data points but also nuanced information.

Computer Vision

This technology enables AI document processing systems to analyse the layout and structure of documents, even from scanned images or PDFs.

By combining these technologies, AI document processing systems can automate a wide range of document processing tasks, including:

Document classification: AI can automatically categorise documents based on their type (e.g., invoice, contract, application form).

Data extraction: AI can identify and extract specific data points from documents with high accuracy, even from complex formats.

Document indexing and searching: AI can make it easier to find specific documents by automatically indexing their content.

Form processing: AI can automate data extraction from forms, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

The Benefits of AI Document Processing

The benefits of AI document processing are numerous and far-reaching. Here are some of the key advantages:

Increased Efficiency

AI document processing can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic work. 

According to a study by McKinsey, Current generative AI and other technologies have the potential to automate work activities that absorb 60 to 70 percent of employees' time today. 

Improved Accuracy

AI document processing systems can achieve much higher accuracy than manual data entry, reducing errors and inconsistencies. Gartner’s research indicates that AI can improve data accuracy by over 80%, leading to cleaner and more reliable data.

Reduced Costs

By automating tasks and improving accuracy, AI document processing can significantly reduce the costs associated with document processing. 

Faster Time to Insights

With faster and more accurate document processing, businesses can access valuable data from documents more quickly. This enables them to make better decisions, improve customer service, and gain a competitive edge.

Enhanced Compliance

AI document processing can ensure that documents are processed consistently and accurately, which is essential for compliance with regulations.


AI Document Processing in Different Industries

AI document processing is already having a transformative impact on various industries. Here are some real-world examples:


Hospitals can use AI document processing to automate the processing of medical records, insurance claims, and patient intake forms. This can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and improve patient care. 

Statistic: A study by Accenture found that AI or automation can reinvent up to 70% of healthcare worker’s tasks. .


Banks and financial institutions can leverage AI document processing to automate the processing of loan applications, mortgage documents, and financial statements. This can streamline the lending process and improve customer satisfaction. 

Statistic about AI document processing

Statistic: According to a study by BUSINESSNEXT, Malaysian banks have already implemented AI-driven document processing systems that automated the verification and validation of loan documents, eliminating manual errors and reduced processing time by 50%. 


Insurance companies can use AI document processing to automate the processing of insurance claims, speeding up the claims process and reducing costs. 

Statistic: According to JK tech, a report by McKinsey says that leveraging predictive modelling in AI for fraud detection can help insurance companies reduce claim costs by up to 30%. .


Manufacturers can use AI document processing to automate the processing of purchase orders, invoices, and shipping documents. This can improve supply chain efficiency and reduce errors.

Common Myths of AI Document Processing 

AI Document Processing is Only for Large Enterprises

Some believe that AI document processing solutions are only practical for large enterprises with substantial budgets and resources. However, advancements in AI technology have led to the development of more accessible and affordable solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes. 

Cloud-based AI platforms and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings have lowered barriers to entry, allowing smaller organisations to leverage AI document processing capabilities.

AI Document Processing is Too Complex to Implement 

It's a myth that implementing AI document processing requires a team of data scientists and extensive technical expertise. 

While developing custom AI models may require specialised knowledge, many off-the-shelf AI document processing solutions are designed for ease of use and can be implemented with minimal technical skills. 

These solutions often offer user-friendly interfaces and pre-trained models that can be quickly deployed and integrated into existing workflows.

AI Document Processing is Only Beneficial for Document Digitisation 

While AI document processing is indeed valuable for digitising and extracting information from paper-based or scanned documents, its benefits extend beyond digitisation. 

AI can also enhance the analysis, classification, and extraction of data from digital documents, emails, web forms, and other electronic sources. 

This enables organisations to automate document-centric processes end-to-end, from ingestion to analysis and decision-making.

AI Document Processing Doesn't Require Maintenance

Some believe that once AI document processing systems are deployed, they can run indefinitely without maintenance. 

However, like any software, AI models require regular updates, monitoring, and optimization to adapt to changing document formats, languages, and regulatory requirements. Ignoring maintenance can lead to performance degradation and decreased accuracy over time.

AI Can Completely Replace Human Input

AI Document Processing on a Screen

While AI can automate many tasks involved in document processing, it's a myth that it can completely replace human involvement. Human oversight is often necessary for handling exceptions, ensuring accuracy, and interpreting complex or nuanced information.

CBSL’s AI Document Processing Solutions 

CBSL’s Intelligent Document Processing Solutions use cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies, such as NLP, Deep Learning, and Active Learning, to automate the handling of diverse document types, like insurance claims, loan applications, credit card claims, marriage tax claims, and legal documents. This innovative approach enhances efficiency and accuracy in crucial operations.

Through IDP, CBSL empowers businesses to optimise document processing workflows, trimming costs and boosting customer satisfaction. Visit our website today to explore how our Intelligent Data Processing Solutions can elevate your operations.

Additionally, we offer a suite of other services, including Information data management, business data automation, software solutions, solar solutions, and security printing solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What Is AI Document Processing?

AI document processing refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to extract, interpret, and manage information from various types of documents, such as text files, images, PDFs, and scanned documents. It involves automating the tasks traditionally performed by humans, such as data entry, classification, extraction of key information, and document organisation.

2. How Does Document Processing Work?

Document processing typically works by employing a combination of machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and other AI techniques. These algorithms are trained on large datasets of documents to learn patterns, recognize text, identify key information, and understand the context within documents.

3. What is Intelligent Document Processing Using AI?

Intelligent document processing (IDP) using AI takes document processing a step further by incorporating advanced AI capabilities to enhance automation and accuracy. IDP systems can automatically classify documents, extract relevant data fields, validate extracted information, and route documents to appropriate workflows or systems. These systems continuously learn and improve over time, adapting to new document formats and variations.

4. How Is AI Used In Document Management?

AI is used in document management to streamline and optimise various document-related tasks and processes. 

For example, AI-powered document management systems can automatically categorise and tag documents, extract relevant information such as names, dates, and amounts, facilitate search and retrieval, detect anomalies or errors, and automate document routing and approval workflows. 

By leveraging AI, organisations can reduce manual effort, improve efficiency, ensure compliance, and gain valuable insights from their document repositories.